Start Breaking My Heart (Special Edition) by Caribou
Formats: Double CD (BAY 16CDC) Digital (BAY 16EC)
Release Date: 3 July 2006
Special edition double CD reissue of the first Manitoba album Start Breaking My Heart, now re-branded as Caribou. Disc 1 is all of 2001’s Start Breaking My Heart while disc 2 includes all the tracks from the People Eating Fruit EP, the Paul’s Birthday 12” and the Give'r EP as well as all three tracks from the infamous If Assholes Could Fly This Place Would Be An Airport EP. It's the first time most of this material has been available on CD. The original single CD and vinyl versions can be found here.
Dan Snaith's debut album, Start Breaking My Heart, is spliced with arcs of rainbow melody, hopscotch percussion patterns, and playground children laughing. Humanity and nature are strong threads through this album: beauty and mystery are revealed in the mundane and ordinary. It's kind of a distillation of those rare moments when you look around and feel a strange glow of contentment - some friends called over unexpectedly, your room is tidy for once and not strewn with leftover apple cores, banana skins and orange peel. And it was a nice day for record shopping. Things could be worse, but they're not. For that you are truly grateful.
Dan plays guitars and keyboards, preferring to record a melody straight up than sample someone else's, combining these basic elements with computer trickery. It gives the album an electronic/organic feel, warm but with a slightly uptight twitch, like you know he's going to produce some really banging dancefloor track one day. Not today, though.
While there's a lot going on - some extraordinary explosions of rapid fire laser beats, out of which fairy dust nursery rhymes come dancing, Start Breaking My Heart is so beautifully arranged - equal parts grace and dexterity - it manages to both stimulate and soothe at the same time.

CD 1
1. Dundas, Ontario
2. People Eating Fruit
3. Mammals Vs. Reptiles
4. Brandon
5. Children Play Well Together
6. Lemon Yoghourt
7. James' Second Haircut
8. Schedules And Fares
9. Paul's Birthday
10. Happy Ending
CD 2
1. Victor And Carolyn
2. 218 Beverly
3. Evan Likes Driving
4. Anna & Nina
5. Dundas, Ontario (Remix)
6. Tits & Ass - The Great Canadian Weekend
7. Webers
8. If Assholes Could Fly, This Place Would Be An Airport
9. Air Doom
10. Ach Who REVIEWS